
SkyNews-FirstforBreakingNews,video,headlines,analysisandtopstoriesfrombusiness,politics,entertainmentandmoreintheUKandworldwide.,SkyNews-FirstforBreakingNews,video,headlines,analysisandtopstoriesfrombusiness,politics,entertainmentandmoreintheUKandworldwide.,2024年4月19日—India'swildlypopularprimeministerissettoextendhisdecade-longtimeatthetop,unlessacollectionofoppositionpartiescanstop ...,Sky...


Sky News - First for Breaking News, video, headlines, analysis and top stories from business, politics, entertainment and more in the UK and worldwide.


Sky News - First for Breaking News, video, headlines, analysis and top stories from business, politics, entertainment and more in the UK and worldwide.

India elections

2024年4月19日 — India's wildly popular prime minister is set to extend his decade-long time at the top, unless a collection of opposition parties can stop ...

Narendra Modi

Sky News - First for Breaking News, video, headlines, analysis and top stories from business, politics, entertainment and more in the UK and worldwide.

India election

3 天前 — As India's mammoth election enters a new phase, the country's Muslim population may be watching on with concern as the prime minister casts ...